Rain water example sentences

Nearly every household in the city has a roof top rain water harvesting structure.They froze in the cold and incessant rain; the rain water washed away Prashant's tears.In Chennai, the department has taken several initiatives for harvesting rain water to increase the level of groundwater.Rain water or river water stored in dams is made to fall from heights.Roof top rain water harvesting is the most common practice in Shillong, Meghalaya.We are aware that normally rain water has a pH of 6 due to the presence of H+ ions formed by the reaction of rain water with carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere.Was he to be bereaved once again? Two days later, which seemed to Prashant like two years, the rain ceased and the rain waters slowly began to recede.'Rooftop rain water harvesting' was commonly practised to store drinking water, particularly in Rajasthan.

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